Monday, February 9, 2009

Busy busy busy

Sorry for the late appearance of the blog this week. It’s been a bit frantic (though frankly all you non-commenty people don’t make it feel very worth my while to write it anyway).

Last week was the essay reassessment (you all passed, by the way; well done) so the class proper didn’t start till 7.30 pm.

We revised the three standard Analysis questions and how to do them the SQA way: context, linking and imagery.
Then we discussed Larkin’s Poetry of Departures - a rather nasty poem but a potentially useful one for such questions as one on contrast (language, ideas, etc), one where some knowledge of the poet’s life is useful, one that gives an impression of a personality, one using rhyme in an unusual way…

Homework – yes, I realise it’s a bit late if you haven’t done it yet – 2006 question 2 on “A View from the Bridge”. I gave out an outline showing the sorts of things I’d say if I were writing this essay.

Do ask me for any handouts that you didn’t get and would like.

Prelim in two and three weeks!

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